
Friday, January 6, 2012

Wonders of Iran (part1)

  Very few of us know what a wonderful country Iran is, what hospitable people Iranians are and what beautiful mosques they have. Let's explore Iran together to learn more details about its rich culture and traditions. 

One of the most ancient cities of Iran, Kashan, seems to be a very nice place to begin our journey with. Kashan is located in the desert and famous for its beautiful palaces. But the first thing that really attracts many tourists is not the palaces but its market which is full of people every day except Friday. (Friday is a day off in Iran and market streets are empty on this day).

But don't get upset! Having walked up these stairs, you can find yourself on one of the major sightseeings of Iran.

A hilly continuous roof above the market from where you can have a wonderful view of the city.

The second interesting sightseeing is the ancient city walls and conical warehouses.

One of the monques of Kashan.

Though all the travel guides will send you, first of all, to the old Khan's palaces (now the museums) the city is mainly famous for, it's certainly up to you whether to go there or not. Anyway, you can explore this wonderful city just by talking to some of the local residents (like this family which came to Kashan for a picnic). Iranians are very good and hospitable people which are always very glad to answer your questions if they can.

The next city we are going to visit is Isfahan - one of the most beautiful Iranian cities with its own special atmosphere no words can describe.

Numerous narrow streets, building sites and sandlots separate one mosque from another.

All of them are quite similar though - the same domes, the same architectural plans. Plus, most of them now serve as museums only. Here in this picture you can see one of those rare working monques.

With some water reservoirs on the territory.

With stunning painting...

And an amazing hall of columns.

But the most beautiful monques are, no doubt, situated in Imam Square. This is the first one.

And the second one.

View from the inside.

Coming back to Isfahan. The blue dome of the Mausoleum of Harun Vilayet.

Beautifully illuminated at night.

Some holy relics are contained in one of its rooms and illuminated with green light.

Continuing the tour along Isfahan it gets pretty clear it's the capital, even though the former one.

Walking further along the bank of the river and passing by the jasmine trees blossoming in the park...

via texnic

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