
Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Agricultural Academy of Incas

This man-made monument may be found on the outskirts of Maras city that is situated in the holy valley of the Incas. It has 4 terraces and resembles an amphitheatre. But it's not a construction for public spectacles but some kind of an agricultural center-academy of the Incaic Empire.   The seed grown here, as researches believe, were sent by the Incas to various districts for harvest improvement. 
The largest terrace is the central one - it is 40-45 meters deep and each level is 2 meters lower than a previous one. It provides temperature gradient for some degrees. On the top, at the edge of the terrace, it is quite cool, about +15C, but in the lower part it's already about +30C. So, no wonder, Incas could have grapes and other tropical fruit on a table...

The blue mountains around are the Andes

Moray complex, the academy of Incas - the deepest terrace

Steep hills

Those zigzags are stairs Incas used to go up and down from one level of the terrace to another.

From one of the sides the terrace is closed by the hill from bad weather.

The purpose of these two squares made of stones are still not clear. Maybe it was a place for a guard? )
via OlgaVar

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