
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Buddhas Production In Myanmar

  Some pictures from wonderful Myanmar.

The central mountain in Myanmar called Popa...

But this post is not about Popa in fact... Though it sounds funny in Russian... In the suburbs of Myanmar capital - Yangon, buddhas statues are produced. We'll show you some pictures about that.

The statues are cut off solid pieces of marble or plaster. First they are shaped. Enlightened face is the last...

The workshop is located right along the road, under the high sheds cause the statues may be some meters tall... Cutting out the material is a work for men.

What women do is covering the statues with some solution, probably to keep the color and shape.

Garments folds are cleaned out with ordinary stones.

Ready ones, though they are small. The big statues are taken to temples.
via fee-dodo

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