
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Night Life On Beautiful Ibiza

If you are under the age of 18 or if you suffer from homophobia, coulrophobia or some other mental disease - please, don't look at these pictures as they'll ruin your state of mind even more. All the other people are welcomed to... magnificent Ibiza!
Its capital founded a couple of thousand years ago has an ancient fortress, from which you can have a marvelous view of the island. But if you want to feel the REAL atmosphere of Ibiza, you should go to some other places...

For example, a local port where thousands of parked boats and yachts stand still at night.

The promo actions of numerous clubs take place here. So be ready to see something like these girls in belts that resemble skirts dressed like alien prostitutes.

No matter how spectacularly you are dressed or how little clothes you have on, you will surprise nobody at this part of the day.

The atmosphere of reckless and drive falls on you like tornado... Bright pink guts of many doorways most likely to hide debauchery.

Everything here is upside down. Transsexuals, freaks, tanned beefy gays walking arm in arm (or rather biceps in biceps), Slav divas in latex, sellers of innocent ice cream, flash mobs, living monuments, Mohawks, sequins, rhinestones, flyers...
All this seems to be a well-staged performance of some arthouse theater about somebody's fairy-tale life. At some point it simply absorbs you - so many effects, clowns and wonderful actors!

The gay street.
One of the walls of the previously mentioned fortress borders the medieval quarter of Sa Pena and its narrow gay street.

Straight men should be very careful on this street as any naughty transsexual can catch up with you, blow you a kiss or hit you ass with a toy whip. So beware!

Even local mutts wear hippie scarves instead of usual collars.

The gypsy quarter.

Tourists are not recommended to visit this part of the city. At first glance it seems quite normal but this is for appearances' sake. All windows have lattices, abandoned toys lye on the ground and glittering eyes of devils look at you from the dark...

Rare passers disappear almost immediately. Many sell drugs...

At some point commotion suddenly stops. Cafes drive out the last visitors and the city falls asleep.

The sleeping city is unbelievably beautiful. It is well lit, infinitely quiet and empty. No tinsel, no music, no extravagant clothes. It seems to be at some other city, mysterious and mystical. Street cleaners remove the traces of a night revel.

The city is silent, the city is dead.

Its structure is unpredictable and extremely interesting. All details attract your attention. For example, this window in the form of a pothole.

Or this lattice mailbox.

The last dinosaur in a lace dress goes home barely dragging his feet in wooden heels. The sound of his steps echoes in almost complete silence...


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