
Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Inspiring Annapurna Circuit

Nepal is an awesome place that may give new impressions, wonderful views, share its history giving hints only...

The peak of Annapurna II, what does it hide?

And suddenly... an avalanche!

You want to be closer but fear to be a victim...

A door to the heaven.

Pine trees in the sun

Before going 400m up to Ghyaru

The local stone "library"

Longer texts

Images resembling icons

Ghyaru village

Cut out mantras

Peak of Pisang

Ngawal village

Many people stay here on the way from Pisang to Menang that's why the village looks richer and cleaner - the houses are higher, there is a buddhist monastery, some hotels and even a satellite antenna.

Back to the stone libraries

very inspiring place

via silvar

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